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Woodworking Joinery by Hand: Innovative Techniques Using Japanese Saws and Jigs (libro en Inglés)


Reseña del libro "Woodworking Joinery by Hand: Innovative Techniques Using Japanese Saws and Jigs (libro en Inglés)"Woodworking Joinery by Hand is a ground-breaking woodworking book that introduces a new twist on the traditional hand-cut methods of joint making. With Sugita's unique method of guiding and controlling the saw blade using jigs and magnetic sheets, even a complete beginner can learn advanced joint-making techniques with hand tools alone. Making it easy to produce straight and square cuts, this pioneering technique is a game-changer for producing high-precision, beautifully made wooden joints.

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$ 626

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Reseña del libro "Woodworking Joinery by Hand: Innovative Techniques Using Japanese Saws and Jigs (libro en Inglés)"Woodworking Joinery by Hand is a ground-breaking woodworking book that introduces a new twist on the traditional hand-cut methods of joint making. With Sugita's unique method of guiding and controlling the saw blade using jigs and magnetic sheets, even a complete beginner can learn advanced joint-making techniques with hand tools alone. Making it easy to produce straight and square cuts, this pioneering technique is a game-changer for producing high-precision, beautifully made wooden joints.